With Kiu's commitment to bridge SMEs within their communities, businesses and credit in developing countries, we support Water and Energy for Food in their aim to to scale ground-breaking water-energy-food innovations to impact food security, gender and poverty reduction in an environmentally-sustainable way.
Kiu encourages the youth and mid-stage innovators in Southeast Asia who have game-changing innovations operating at the nexus of sustainable, renewable energy and agriculture.
APPLY TODAY to the Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) Asia EDGE Ag-Energy Prize! Do you have ideas or a business on sustainable, renewable water and energy for food? Share your ideas with us and win the chance to:
Access customized acceleration services from the WE4F Asia Regional Hub;
Join a Co-creation workshop in Bangkok, Thailand in March 2020 to discuss challenges and opportunities in the renewable energy, and agriculture nexus in Asia;
Participate in the Clean Asia Energy Forum in Manila, the Philippines in June 2020;
Win up to $100,000 for the Mid-Stage Innovator Prize!
Check out www.WE4F.org for more details.
The Water and Energy for Food (“WE4F”) Challenge Fund is a partnership among the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
